Less than 100 days until self-assessment deadline

Oct 25, 2022

HMRC is reminding customers that there are less than 100 days left until the self-assessment tax return deadline.

Taxpayers have until 31 January 2023 to complete their online return for the 2021-2022 tax year.

Over 66,000 taxpayers got ahead by filing their returns on 6 April - the first day of the new tax year.

HMRC is encouraging customers to get started as soon as possible. By completing returns well ahead of the deadline, taxpayers can find out what they owe in advance and budget accordingly.

This will also give them more time to explore the various payment options available to them, such as setting up a monthly online payment plan.

Anyone unsure of how to complete their self-assessment tax returns can find up-to-date advice and support on the HMRC website.

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC's director general for customer services, said:

"With 100 days to go until the online deadline, there's still time to complete your tax return, to budget and look into the range of payment options if you need to.

"Help and support is available online to help customers with their tax returns. Just search ‘self-assessment' on gov.uk to find out more and get started today."

Talk to us about your tax return.